March 14, 2011

Start Being Awesome!!!


This post is for anyone in my sweet little family who is feeling sad today!!

I want this in my family room!! I don't watch the show that the saying actually came from (How I Met Your Mother... I think) but when I read it, it made me happy and want to start being awesome.
My brothers have their own meaning for the word "Awesome", so of course I chuckled about that too.

Hope you all "start being awesome" today!!!
(- click photo on how to purchase.)


Alyssa said...

Where are you headed to this weekend?? Hope it is "awesome"!

amanda said...

I LOVE that. I need that in my room. Really-that made me laugh and I so needed to hear it today:)
(Roller Skating makes you awesome too though:)

Ashley said...

Too expensive. Make your own! Way cute though:)