June 25, 2014

Unexpected Remodel

It started with a wanting new carpet.
We went to RC Wiley and instead of finding new carpet we found a new 
Dinner table....
So we sold our old one.

Our New Dining Room Set arrived.

Then we decided on New Carpet - darker.  Not realizing just how DARK it was. :(

Our furniture and carpet became ONE.
So we decided to try to sell our COUCHES.  They sold in one day.

We searched and searched for new couches but couldn't agree.
Aaron had two requirement - 1. leather 2. recliner
We found a perfect CHAIR.  It was a great price so we bought 2.

 (pictured is our LIVING room couch that we pulled in so we weren't sitting on the floor)

Still couldn't agree... decided to try a sectional with his leather chairs.  We found a beautiful gray material sectional but feared our entertainment center would make for a very crowded room.

so .... Let's try to sell our Entertainment Center.
It sold quickly. 

Finally we find a New Entertainment Center 
and while shopping Aaron sees a taupe leather reclining sectional... FINE!

New Entertainment Center 

 New Couch
New Color Scheme... Out with with fall Reds, Mustards, Oranges
In with the Grays, Blues, and Reds.

Dawn sheds many tears.  
You know you're at the end of your rope when you cry over FURNITURE!!

New Couch arrives... I think I can do this.

New Entertainment Center arrives... YIKES!!  TEARS!
Not sure I can do this

Let the Decorating Begin...
metal clock matches top of new entertainment center

So far... everyone seems to be comfortable...

June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Kenzie drew this for Aaron

our gift to Dad and Grandpa Earl
My "Hanging Helpers"

June 12, 2014

Fishing with Grandpa Earl

All set up and the "CATCHING" begins...
Jane's first:

Ben & Colin are next:

Josh shows his skills:

Mackay's FIRST cast:

Finally Hayden catches a fish.
And loses it... he's mad.
But then... 

Best video of the day... (in honor of Mom):

June 11, 2014