July 25, 2010

But We're Camping!

I decided to let my boys sleep in the backyard in a tent.
I was a little worried that they might get scared,
but soon realized that was not going to be
our biggest problem.

We set them up with blankets, pillows, lanterns,
and of course a TV
- what is camping if you don't have a TV.
We pad locked the gates and left a few lights on
- just in case.
Everyone was settled and happy.

Until.... Mackay came running in yelling;
"Mom, Hayden is peeing in the backyard."

I explained to Hayden that peeing in the yard
wasn't okay
and to please come inside
if he needed to go to the bathroom.

A while passed and Mackay again came running in yelling;
"Mom, Hayden pooped in the backyard."

Totally grossed out,
I told him he had to get a baggy and pick it up
and throw it in the toilet
and that he was NOT A DOG.
His response...
"But I am camping
and that is what you do
when you are camping!"

Not when you are camping in the BACKYARD!!
This child may put me in an early grave...

After threatening
that he was not going to be able to sleep outside
if he doesn't start making "better choices",
all was once again well.

The next morning,
I was awaken to my sweet little Hayden
whispering in my ear...
"Good Morning Mom...."
I smiled
- happy that no one kidnapped them
or that the Fox that is running around our neighborhood
didn't eat them for breakfast.
"... I peed again in the backyard. (giggle giggle)."

Boys are GROSS!!!!


amanda said...

That is too funny!! He's right, that's what boys proudly do when they are camping. And he was camping (my kind of camping). Silly Hayden!! (I hate to tell you but you have your hands full with that kid--but I think you already knew that:)

Alyssa said...

I don't even know what to say.......Seriously, I am speechless! But I do love the idea of a campout. Glad they survived.