May 15, 2010

He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not...

Do you like fresh flowers???
Some people think they are a waste of money -
because they don't last.
I am not that person.
I LOVE flowers!!

I love flowers on my counter, on my dinner table, in pots, in my hair, & especially in my yard.
But, I HATE to do yard work!!!

My husband knows how much I love flowers.
(I got BEAUTIFUL red, yellow, & orange roses for Mother's day that still adorn my kitchen island.)
He also knows I don't like to do yard work. He doesn't love yard work either, but I think he loves ME.
This is why...

For those of you who saw my yard when we purchased this house - you will understand & appreciate Aaron's hard work. In September 2008, this yard was YELLOW, WHITE, DEAD, & full of STICKERS & WEEDS!!

(this photo was taken in April this year -
I don't have a Sept 2008 picture -
thank heavens...)

My sweet husband has worked his tail off for 2 years to resurrect our yard.

Thank you, Aaron Chris!!
On a side note - As you already know, I also love Tulips.
For the last 2 years I have tried to take a moment with my children & plant new tulip bulbs. They were my mom's favorite flower.

I had a conversation with one of my best friends, Alyssa, a few weeks after my mom died.
I was telling her how worried I was that my kids might not remember my mom.
(My mom was worried too. I think that is why she says, "Remember Me" on all of their Christmas bears.)

Alyssa said, "Your kids will remember your mom if you continue to tell them & remind them about your mom." She explained that I can easily plant memories in their minds by telling & retelling them stories about her. Reminding them of things THEY did with her & also things that I remember about her.

I have tried to follow her advice - Lots of memories get Planted while planting Tulips.


jenn said...

Can I hire Aaron to come and make my yard pretty? He did an amazing job. I noticed today how nice your yard looked. Then, Scott and I took a walk around the neighborhood looking at yards and I mentioned how Aaron made your yard so pretty...hint, hint...he didn't get the hint. Oh well, he rides a mean bike!

Alyssa said...

BEAUTIFUL YARD! Cannot wait to finally see it in person this summer. I love the tulips, too. And I am glad to hear you are still "planting" memories of Grandma Kathy. That is the idea for ALL families - to continually "connect" with each other through our words, thoughts, actions and memories that we share with each other. This was a touching post. I appreciated your kind and loving words about Aaron (aren't husbands great?) and I always love to hear you talk about your mom. You two had such a unique mother/daughter connection. You and Kenzie will have such a great pattern to follow as you continue to nurture your relationship with her as taught to you by your mom. Hope you are having a great weekend.

Shauna said...

Beautiful. Don't you feel like every Saturday is now yard work day until fall. It's kind of a bummer.

amanda said...

I hate yard work but I am learning that is does pay off. Your yard is beautiful!!! I can't wait to see it in real life:)
Your tulips are still in bloom? Ours died about a month ago. I wish they'd last a little longer. But they are still beautiful.

Zackira's said...

Lucky woman! I only like planted flowers. I love to pick them and bring them in the house however. I just can't handle it when they die.

amanda said...

jane nop my tooth did not come yet but you yard is so pritty

Anonymous said...

Aaron, Very Nice Work. It's just beautiful. You are so blessed to have such a lovely home and yard. Tulips are totally my favorite also.Can't wait to see it in real life...Hugs